2nd Month: Look at them Giggles!

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Hi Mommy!
Congratulations! You’ve just gotten past the newborn phase! In this second month, you’ll get to notice the reason behind your baby’s giggles and grunts. This is the stage where your baby’s personality is kind of showing off and how much of an active communicator she is! 
Compared to last month, her actions now are more definite and conveys meaning.
Here are some cues that your baby is saying “I’m interested” 

  • Looking at your face
  • Smooth movements of arms and legs
  • Reaching out to you
  • Turning eyes or head towards you
  • Smiling, cooing, and having general bright, happy expressions

Or “I need a break”

  • Turning head and eyes away
  • Crying, fussing
  • Coughing
  • Back arching, squirming, and pulling away
  • Blushing of skin
  • Yawning, frowning. Hiccups

Aside from those cues, your baby continues to show off different motor skills. It means that she already has more control over her body. They could hold their head a little steadier while lying on their tummy which means stronger neck! Sucking would be very prevalent on the second month of life, too. You may notice that she sucks her own thumb, or your thumb, the blanket or the pillow case more often than not. You may wonder why but that’s your baby’s way to sooth and comfort herself. She also loves to grasp a toy near her and watch colorful, moving objects hanging in front of her. 
What better way to reward yourself than to witness a toothless, innocent smile from your little one! Yes, this time marks the beginning of smiles and more smiles from her! What a momentous milestone that really deserve a photo op! So grab those cameras and take a photo while those gums are showing off for free. 
Most of all, sob stories wouldn’t be her only way to communicate to you! Finally, here comes a few giggles, grunts and sweet coos and other various sounds that correspond whether she is hungry, sleepy, gassy or lonely and in need of some attention. But of course, teary tales would still be the number one way she would communicate his likes and dislikes. 
Often before the end of the second month, baby likes to be carried upright, facing out; she’d be demanding this way of being held. Baby’s vision is becoming clearer and she can now see interesting and exciting sights around.  Mommy, a carrier is your best friend (aside from wipes)! Baby loves to be inside a carrier while taking a stroll in parks or open spaces. As her senses develop, it would be a good opportunity to take her out into the world with you. She is seeking ways to adapt and respond to this bigger world and pay attention on how little and how much stimulation she could handle. 

Hope our lists ticked off some of those that are written on your development book!

Your Baby’s 2nd Month.Baby Development:http://goo.gl/HlFKUt

Your 2 month old. http://goo.gl/HlFKUthttp://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/baby-development-2-month-old?page=2

Baby’s Second Month: A guide to development and Milestones

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Natural Baby Skin

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As mommy you want to give your little one the utmost care that you can provide. No doubt, it’s your topmost priority. A newborn skin is very sensitive and delicate. So, try to look at these tips for your baby’s perfect skin care.

It’s bathtime
As a mom, you definitely want your baby to feel fresh and clean all throughout the day. So mommy, here’s a tip: bathe your baby two to three times a week. More than that can be harmful as that may lead to removal of your baby’s natural oils which helps protect his fragile skin. Use lukewarm water in doing so. To clean your baby’s face, slightly wet a cotton ball and gently wipe it to his face. After bathing, don’t forget to use baby lotion on his delicate skin area to keep it moisturized.

Diaper 101
Changing your baby’s diaper does not need to be a total nightmare for you and your baby. Change the diaper as frequently as needed and gently wipe your baby’s buns with soft clean cloth. Before you put on his diaper, use a diaper cream to prevent skin rashes and irritation. Avoid using diapers with fragrance and also take note, use the appropriate size because too tight or too loose size will just make your baby feel uneasy and discomforted.

Awareness on your baby’s product is the key.
All you’re aiming now is to find the perfect products for your baby’s skin. Today, we see and hear a lot of reviews regarding baby products, ranging from great, good, to nah.

Use skin-care products made for babies only. Avoid using products with fragrances. It can easily irritate your baby’s skin. Try observing your baby’s reaction after you use a product or everytime you try a new product on him. Antibacterial and deodorant soap are also a big NO because these products may trigger skin irritation.

Powder Talks
Be careful when using a baby powder. Make sure it’s kept away from your baby’s face. The powder contains talc and cornstarch which can cause breathing problems to your baby when inhaled.

Watch out for sun
By the time your baby turns 6 month old, you can now expose him in the sunlight. You may also use sunblock, but, take note that SPF 30 should be the minimum. Also look for a sunblock that has “broad-spectrum” on its label because those kinds of sunscreen blocks both UVA and UVB rays.

Baby garments
It is advisable to make your baby wear soft clothing or preferably cotton.

Since your baby has a very delicate and sensitive skin, it is advised to wash the brand new clothes and towel before using. If anyone from your family has a sensitive skin, there is a possibility that your baby might inherit it because basically, skin conditions are genetic. The detergent you are using might also be one of the causes of irritation or rashes on your baby’s skin. Might as well consider change your detergent into a milder detergent or use a fragrance-free laundry detergent. Be sure that the lather has been removed well.

For your baby’s delicate skin care,  roam on to the nearest Southstar Drug.

Seek an immediate attention from your baby’s pediatrician if you think there is something in your baby’s skin that makes you worry.

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1st Month: Welcome to the Bigger World!

Southstar Drug

Hi Mommy!

Congratulations on delivering a healthy baby! Also, welcome to the most rewarding stage of your life: motherhood. I’m sure you are pretty excited about the developments of your one-month-old baby! All his sudden movements even in the slightest are so precious and too good for your eyes. By this time, your newborn is just getting used to this big, unfamiliar world. And you are getting used on attending to his many needs with tender loving care! 

In general, here are some key things to expect during your baby’s first month.

Your baby’s physical appearance would definitely change at this month. Babies are born with extra body fluid and typically lose up to 10% of their birth weight during the first few days of life. But weeks after, he will gain weight quickly. 

There are also some innate reflexes that your baby can do, including sucking. Actually, some ultrasound photos show babies sucking their thumb even in your womb. Your baby can also react when he feels as if he is falling, this is called the Moro reflex. He could also be able to turn his head while lying on his stomach; just make sure to put your hands on his neck for support.

Newborns sleep 15 to 16 hours a day. He could sleep 5 times a day with two naps in between. Sure, you would experience sleep deprivation at this stage (and maybe during all stages, perhaps). Good news! Eventually he will get a normal sleeping pattern. 

Did you know that babies are drawn to human face than other stuffed toys? Yes! Baby can recognize you! So when you smile and talk to them, you may lean forward towards them because they can see up to 8-12 inches away only. 

In terms of hearing, newborn's hearing isn’t fully developed yet, but can recognize sounds especially your voice, which they got used to hearing in the womb. They will begin to turn their head towards the source of a sound. They also have a well-developed sense of smell, and can already pick out the scent of their mother’s nipple, and breast milk, within the first few days of life.

During month one, expect your breastfed baby to eat eight to 12 times a day (about every two to three hours). Look for four to six wet diapers a day as a sign that your baby is eating enough. And last but not the least, your baby will communicate to you through his sob stories and teary tales. It’s his way to say 'I’m hungry – feed me!'' and many more.
Always bear in mind that every baby is unique.  They will do things at their own pace and in their own time.

Happy 1st month mommy and baby!

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